

Transforming Empty Offices into Houses
Comte Bureau Comte Bureau

Transforming Empty Offices into Houses

Transforming empty offices into homes

Oslo faces a paradox: while commercial buildings stand empty, housing prices continue to rise. Yet, converting these buildings into homes remains rare—often, demolition and new construction are seen as the easier option. InnoArch, Haavind, and Comte Bureau aim to change this!

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We joined                          House of Europe!
Comte Bureau Comte Bureau

We joined House of Europe!

We’re excited to announce that InnoArch is now part of House of Europe – a initiative pushing for new EU laws to make renovation and transformation easier, more affordable, and more social!

House of Europe believes that demolishing existing buildings is as outdated as food waste, animal testing, and single-use plastics. Instead, they advocate for smarter policies that promote sustainability, innovation, and inclusion in urban development.

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